Wednesday, May 20, 2009

tonight, i feel discontent. i want to feel content only in God. be satisfied by Him alone.


  1. I created a blog just so I could comment to this, so take a sec to smile and feel special! ^_^ Not that I'm anyone spectacular or come bearing amazing words of wisdom, but it is always nice to know that there are other people out there who care about you... not the amazing guitar player/ studio producer/ photographer/ etc. but YOU as a brother in Christ. Its easy to feel discontent, I think its even easier for the talented because people see their gifts and want, want, want... it can suck a person dry. Tonight I read Matthew 6: 25-34. I have always liked this passage cause it helps me to slow down and take a good look around me. I don't know about you, but I always make life more complicated than need be and get stressed out... "Oh you of little faith" can sound so harsh, but remember how little Christ said it took to move a mountain! The size of a mustard seed! I guess what I am really trying to say is, its not all about what you do, how you do it, or even how well or how much... its not the how at all! Its all about the why! And if the answer isn't God, then why bother? Ha, now you got me thinking of myself and why I do what I do, but I wont bore you with that, I've said enough already. But I hope and pray that something I said encouraged you or even simply made you smile =) Have a wonderful day Benjamin! Now go grab a cup of coffee, sit under a tree, and let God show you His love and grace! =)

  2. you will get there. i believe in this being a constant reality for you:)*prayers*
